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Stroll for the Soul – The Farm at Sunnyside

The Farm at Sunnyside is a paragon of land management techniques and professional conservation. Our walk is through meadows, warm-season grass fields and winter cover for bobwhite quail.

Stroll for the Soul – Mount Vernon Farm

With 605 acres in conservation easement, Mount Vernon Farm is another conservation management star. The walk is along the Thornton River, past a restored wetland and across the mountain to see some of the Farm’s extensive work.

Stroll for the Soul – Jordan River Trail

The Jordan River Trail offers a great example of lush ecosystems: riverine, seeps and cove forest. In late May, the botanical splendor is amazing.

Stroll for the Soul – Hickerson Mountain

The views are spectacular, and you’ll also see a wonderful example of the value of conservation easements and the on-going rewards of proactive land management. The grass meadow provides wonderful habitat for native pollinators.